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4specs Discussion Forum » Coffee Pot and Water Cooler  

  Thread Last Poster Posts Pages Last Post
How long will it take to pick up the edits?Steven Bruneel, Reti03-11-25  05:22 pm
There is not enough discussion on the forum.David G. Axt, CDT, C34 03-11-25  03:55 pm
Zombie projectsDan Mayer02-06-25  09:08 am
Does liability transfer when a company gets bought up?Rosa Cheney12-16-24  02:12 pm
Aphorism of the dayLoretta Sheridan371 10-28-24  09:03 am
European Specifications or Saudi Arabia SpecificationsWayne Yancey09-27-24  07:15 pm
Approved as Noted - record submittalsNathan Woods, RA, CS08-22-24  01:50 pm
Security warnings this forumColin Gilboy07-17-24  09:08 am
Any ideas on slow paying clients?ken hercenberg07-17-24  08:44 am
Any comments on new Deltek product - Specpoint - Jeffrey Potter54 06-20-24  01:56 pm
Is specification writing considered architecture?Curt Norton, CSI, CC06-14-24  07:44 am
Liability Insurance - CANCELLEDJohn Bunzick06-11-24  03:54 pm
Spec Writer job postingCurt Norton, CSI, CC05-22-24  11:16 am
Deltek delays cutoff for MasterSpec Word updates!Myron K. Hudson03-08-24  02:42 pm
Writing Construction Specification from Scratch as Mech EngineerMark Gilligan SE, 03-06-24  02:39 pm
Owner's groups on 4SpecsEric Thompson02-16-24  03:44 pm
Hello? Is anybody there?T.J. Simons, CSI, CC18 01-19-24  02:08 pm
Forum Security ProblemsLoretta Sheridan12-21-23  07:46 am
Are local product representatives a thing of the past?ken hercenberg20 11-21-23  01:23 pm
What's that smell?David G. Axt, CDT, C11-17-23  12:45 pm
I need copy of Spec-Data format guideColin Gilboy18 11-13-23  03:48 pm
Progressive Design BuildDavid G. Axt, CDT, C11-01-23  02:37 pm
Asbestos in productsSteven Bruneel, Reti13 10-20-23  04:59 pm
NBS Chorus - new specifcation writing softwareNathan Woods, RA, CS08-03-23  01:51 pm
CSRFken hercenberg07-24-23  04:14 pm
Sustainability consultant for product manufacturers?Brian E. Trimble, CD07-19-23  10:57 am
Order of initials in name?Phil Kabza05-23-23  09:14 am
Jargon wordsJohn Bunzick30 04-18-23  03:26 pm
My client diedRon Beard04-17-23  04:13 pm
Non-MasterFormat Master Guide SpecificationsCraig Haney 03-10-23  03:04 pm
Holiday WishesSheldon Wolfe01-19-23  06:53 pm
Tech Tip - Word Read Aloud functionken hercenberg01-19-23  12:02 pm
MSOffice F Function Key GuidePhil Kabza12-17-22  11:02 am
Where would I specify this material?David G. Axt, CDT, C23 12-06-22  12:33 pm
Grammarly?Loretta Sheridan11-30-22  06:05 pm
Affiliation AgreementLynn Javoroski FCSI 37 10-28-22  04:13 pm
Elec Spec Writer Job ListingJonathan Miller, FCS10-25-22  04:43 pm
Windowless dormsJames Sandoz, AIA, C10-25-22  10:27 am
To renew or notken hercenberg10-18-22  09:51 am
Order of items in an agreement?John Bunzick09-30-22  02:35 pm
Copyrighted imagesLoretta Sheridan17 08-23-22  08:52 am
Alternatives to PVDF, FEVE, and pretreatments that workLynn Javoroski FCSI 11 08-19-22  05:33 pm
Covered by Architect's Liability Insurance?Nathan Woods, CSI, C07-05-22  09:02 pm
upcoming retirementDan Helphrey05-18-22  12:43 pm
History... Blast from the Past.James Sandoz, AIA, C34 05-09-22  09:15 am
For the Civil EngineersLoretta Sheridan05-06-22  11:52 am
Where are all the workers?Loretta Sheridan05-06-22  11:36 am
Please wear your seat belt.David G. Axt, CCS, C04-28-22  09:07 pm
Safety Data Sheet vs. Safe-Use Instruction SheetMichael Chusid, RA F04-26-22  05:54 pm
Sweets Catalogs - History?Steven Bruneel, Reti10 04-16-22  06:21 pm
licensure and independent consultantsMark Gilligan SE, 04-15-22  02:56 pm
Subcontractor threatens to sue me for slander.Chris Grimm, CSI, CC03-30-22  09:33 pm
National Master Specification (Canada)Chris Grimm, CSI, CC03-30-22  02:57 pm
Water Tower Easement/ClearanceBrian Payne03-11-22  09:06 am
Happy Holidays Ya'llMargaret G. Chewning12-23-21  02:16 pm
Busy? Or did something happen that I missed?Lynn Javoroski FCSI 12-09-21  12:33 pm
Speck RiderPhil Kabza11-07-21  02:59 pm
Favorite Stupid Drawing Notesken hercenberg27 09-24-21  10:01 am
Horse tradingJames Sandoz, AIA, C14 09-16-21  09:41 am
Hilarious "Dad" Video Highlights the Case for Clear, Complete, Conc...Chris Grimm, CSI, CC12 08-28-21  10:33 pm
CSI College of Fellows, Class of 2021Jeff Leemhuis, CCS, 08-04-21  08:44 am
Masterspec rookie needs helpAnne Whitacre, FCSI 10 07-30-21  05:12 pm
Surfside FLken hercenberg06-25-21  08:09 am
Can you recommend a door hardware manufacter rep?Michael Chusid, RA F05-18-21  08:38 pm
Getting to MasterSpec SupportPhil Kabza04-22-21  11:52 am
MasterSpec 1st quarter 2021 update?David G. Axt, CCS, C04-01-21  12:18 pm
Who writes manufacturer's guide specs?Phil Kabza03-18-21  05:26 pm
Alternative to QuickBooks?David G. Axt, CCS, C03-15-21  02:13 pm
A Thank You to Colin for Maintaining This BoardGuest 16 03-08-21  08:19 pm
Architect's client pays you directly.Robin E. Snyder12 02-27-21  09:57 pm
Rules from John RegenerEd Storer02-25-21  03:07 pm
Green StandardJohn Bunzick02-16-21  11:28 am
Random aphorismken hercenberg73 01-01-21  12:29 pm
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