Ralph Liebing, RA, CSI, CDT Senior Member Username: rliebing
Post Number: 1445 Registered: 02-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, November 06, 2013 - 08:31 am: | |
131106 SNUG IT UP ! by Ralph Liebing, RA, CSI, CDT Cincinnati, Ohio Now granted this is a minor matter, but one that bugs the day lights out of this oldster, who for 40 years wore a collar and tie to work. For me, it was a matter of pride in self and appearance- a detail that should not distract but should enhance. But then this illustrates the architect/detailer, and latent specifications writer in me-- DETAILS count!! I’ll forego the unshaven trend in younger men these days-- primarily our image makers like millionaire movie actors [ain’t any real stars any more]. Also, the extreme female fashions which may challenge many a prudent precept. Wide spread collars—so much so they form a straight line across the neck Fist size knots or pee-wee knots both common to highly paid entertainment stars Bow ties [old mark of the architect] making a comeback in more common use Still wearing dress shirts-no tie; and grossly icky, varied ties and knots with collars unbuttoned Hum-dinger ties—none light up or glow—professional impressive What is this all about? Well first, you are going nuts now looking at ties-- on friends, colleagues, TV news anchors, entertainment personalities, and many others. They will attract your eye. Exactly our point! This is the type of attention we need to apply to our work. How does your Project Manual look? How often are you asked questions, or asked to explain a typo, and how many RFIs do you receive? Just how "snug” is your product? How distracting is it? Does the appearance create interest in itself, or is it so mundane that it is easily ignored? We pride ourselves in the extraordinary array of information we have that others don’t have. Great, but do we display our work like a modern day movie star, in today’s’ sloppy manner? As disgusting all this gets on some people, it is not a style or standard we should follow! Snug it up! We are hired for what we know, really! But we do have to make a choice. In one way, we become of the misleading appearance of a highly knowledgeable professor who is so involved he cares nothing about appearance- old, oversized sweater, uncut hair, mismatched socks, polka-dot tie on plaid shirt!!! Get the point? This is so strange and undeserving of repeating or copying. We must sell a product to others—both design professionals and product representatives. In that we need to support our product with as much attention to what we look like and how we pay attention to ourselves, as our products. NEAT is the rule of the day! So SNUG IT UP, in work product and personal appearance-- you’ll be the best for it. Oh, and have fun for a while as you check out ties that are ugly, missized and not centered, square in the collar[ instead of askew], ties that are twisted, and look like the person merely put a tie on and end of thought. As the Lone Ranger’s radio announcer said, “Let us return to yesteryear” Remember history ALWAYS repeats itself-- like in bow ties fully exposed used with tuxedos! |