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4specs Discussion Forum » Specifications Discussions » The New NAAWS 4.0 released by AWMAC & WI « Previous Next »

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Heather Zertuche
Senior Member
Username: heather

Post Number: 8
Registered: 05-2016
Posted on Wednesday, July 21, 2021 - 12:59 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post

Available for free download at https://naaws.com/

What is most important to you a woodworking standard.

All standards (assembly methods and aesthetics) in one book
Freedom to design outside the tested box
Casework integrity testing
Unified Installation Guide
Multiple translations – Spanish and French
Dennis Dong (Unregistered Guest)
Unregistered guest
Posted on Wednesday, July 21, 2021 - 03:19 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post

Finish Woodwork is always a key element in the design of any building. As an Architect, my focus is on the appearance, finishes, sizes and installation of casework in my projects; a woodworking standard has to assure me of the standards established for fabrication and installation. NAAWS gives me the freedom to design as I wish, while giving me the assurance of the quality required for fabrication and installation.

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