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Colin Gilboy
Board Administrator
Username: admin

Post Number: 18
Registered: 03-2002
Posted on Tuesday, October 10, 2023 - 05:20 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post

I have often wondered how manufacturers will market their products in the future.

I have wondered how specifications will developed and written in the future. More design build? I do not think the US will follow the European mode of architect doing 50% drawings and contractor finishing design with detailed product selection due to US licensing laws and liability.

Dave Stutzman of Conspectus just released a 26 page White Paper based on two contractor and owner round table discussions. Titled - "The Cultural Mindshift and the Leading Role of the Contractor (and Owner)" subtitled "What if specifications were transparent, collaborative, and continuous?"

I skimmed the paper this morning and plan to read it again. This paper should create some additional ideas from your experience.

They used Mentimeter - https://www.mentimeter.com/ - as a tool to record input. This is on an anonymous basis. I had not heard of this program. Look it the link above to learn more,
Colin Gilboy
Publisher, 4specs.com

Loretta Sheridan
Senior Member
Username: leshrdn

Post Number: 105
Registered: 11-2021
Posted on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 08:16 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post

Interesting read. Some random thoughts that came to mind as I read it:

I have advocated architects becoming more familiar with estimating -- not to offer as a service, but in the age of BIM, an ACCURATELY modeled project and a RS Means subscription means you can run pricing exercises recursively through out the process and not wait until you are invested in a design. And then try and squeeze out that last penny.

When I worked in facilities, the best project I worked on was an integrated project delivery, where we brought the contractor on at the same time as the architect. It was smooth, on time, and on budget. Wonderful experience.

I did an intro to specs for high school kids in which I talked (and demonstrated) building a paper airplane. I had three 8.5x11 sheets of paper: One was tracing paper, one was 20# copy paper, and 140# card stock. I explained that drawings showed you what size the paper was and how to fold it, but the specs make sure you use the 20# paper and also that that 20# paper is really 20# paper made according to the generally accepted 20# paper standards.

(I am having a really bad day, specs wise, by the way.)
Edward J Dueppen, RA, CSI, CCS, LEED AP
Senior Member
Username: edueppen

Post Number: 96
Registered: 08-2013
Posted on Friday, October 13, 2023 - 03:07 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post

Colin - thank you for sharing this white paper.

Loretta - your intro to specs is a great example of how to make specs understandable to everyone. Great idea!
David Stutzman
Senior Member
Username: david_stutzman

Post Number: 95
Registered: 07-2002
Posted on Friday, October 13, 2023 - 03:36 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post

Colin, thank you for sharing our white paper. We will continue to update it as we learn more from the roundtables we host. The next one is planned in conjunction with the Construction Owners Association of America (COAA) National Conference in November.

Loretta, I 100% agree about estimating. I recommend that estimators and specifiers should come as a matched set. I advocate for independent conceptual estimators that will help price the project with reliable accuracy even before the design is well formulated. This proactive approach of continuous estimating (or Target Value Delivery in Lean parlance) to validate design decisions as they are made minimizes rework from reactive VE. Let specs lead design by documenting decisions in Uniformat descriptions. Select the optimal solution based on performance, aesthetics, and cost. Then go draw with confidence the design will stick.

IPD is a good concept - contractually obligating people and firms to collaborate. Contractual obligation may not be necessary, if the entire design process is completely transparent. Transparency transforms behavior by exposing bad actors and encouraging cooperation for the good of the project.
guest (Unregistered Guest)
Unregistered guest
Posted on Friday, January 05, 2024 - 03:23 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post

Interested in learning how user's experience with Deltek's Specpoint has been. I see the last posts on the topic are over a year old, and wondering if anyone's been using it recently and how it's been working for them.

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