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Senior Member
Username: tsugaguy

Post Number: 265
Registered: 06-2005

Posted on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - 03:01 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post

Arcom has made a switch from the cross references being formatted like:

Division 04 Section "Unit Masonry"


Section 042000 "Unit Masonry"

Has anyone else written a macro to switch them back to the old style? Would seem like an easy thing to do with a wildcard search & replace in the macro, then running it on all files in a folder using the Dir() command. However I am finding it will take several steps, because in Word you can't do a search and replace for special characters (e.g. "any digit") and replace with \# expression at the same time. I can work my way through this, but if anyone else has already done it and can share, that would probably be easier.
Jim Sliff
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Username: jim_sliff

Post Number: 102
Registered: 08-2010

Posted on Monday, October 31, 2011 - 05:07 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post

It's a double edged sword. I prefer keeping references to a minimum and using Division rather than Section numbers (because depending on what "raw material" I'm working with the Section numbers often vary...and I'm lazy ;-) ).

But when I was over on that side of the fence (cage?) with a subcontractor I was seldom provided with full Project Manuals - it started changing a few years ago with online access to both plans & Specs, but when hard copies are used subs often get what bidding GC's think they need - which in my case was never inclusive of all the Sections I needed to bid a project. If references were thin I'd end up asking for the whole ball o' wax to ensure nothing was missed.

I checked with several subs and it's still a problem; without complete references or a full set of documents for a "do it yourself" hunt they are flying blind.
David Axt, AIA, CCS, CSI
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Username: david_axt

Post Number: 1261
Registered: 03-2002

Posted on Tuesday, November 01, 2011 - 01:35 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post

In a previous office I used master that had a lot of references and related sections. When we send out the drawings and project manual for construtability review, all we got back was red marks on our section numbers and titles.

In a perfect world everything would be complete and coordinated but in the real production oriented world I would recommend limiting references to other sections.

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