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4specs Discussion Forum » Institute Discussions » 2024 CSI National Conference: Has anyone else had this problem? « Previous Next »

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James Sandoz, AIA, CSI, CCS
Senior Member
Username: jsandoz

Post Number: 382
Registered: 06-2005
Posted on Monday, June 03, 2024 - 09:14 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post

Last Friday I tried to early register for the national conference to be held in Houston this October. The only registration choices I had were for non-members at the considerably higher rate. Of course, I have been member of CSI for over 24 years. I currently have a call in to national to see if I can get some assistance. There is also a link on the registration site to send an e-mail if any problems are encountered. Obviously, I have encountered a problem. Has anyone else had this problem and how, if at all, was it resolved?
James Sandoz, AIA, CSI, CCS
Senior Member
Username: jsandoz

Post Number: 383
Registered: 06-2005
Posted on Tuesday, June 04, 2024 - 09:15 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post

Problem solved. One has to log in using the email address Parthenon Management has for [you]. CSI has both my work and personal email addresses and I just picked the wrong one initially.

Oh, for the good ol' days when one simply filled out a form and dropped it in the mailbox along with a check. :-)
Loretta Sheridan
Senior Member
Username: leshrdn

Post Number: 137
Registered: 11-2021
Posted on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 - 11:49 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post

I miss human beings affiliated with the organization with whom you could talk to about issues. Recently in registering for various things, it seems like they have all been taken over by third party vendors: it is all online, and if you need to talk to a human, and you finally get to, they don't give a rat's you-know-what. Because they have nothing to do with the organization behind the event.
James Sandoz, AIA, CSI, CCS
Senior Member
Username: jsandoz

Post Number: 385
Registered: 06-2005
Posted on Monday, July 08, 2024 - 02:27 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post

Speaking of "beings affiliated with" I just left a message with National ("no one available at this time to take your call" even though it is 2:00pm EDT in Virginia) about two emails I received just prior. I want to know if they are legitimate.

Each email informed me that my certificate was available; I am assuming one each for my CDT and CCS certifications which I just renewed. The emails were from website@awardgroup.net and were sent to quarantine. I am VERY cautious about opening emails I am not expecting unless I clearly recognize the source.

Like you, Loretta, it bothers me that CSI cannot simply send the little 8x10 certificate in the mail as it has always done in the past. I wonder how much of my $160 renewal fee goes to this outfit that allows one to download the updated document - on whatever paper I may have in my printer. Yes, $160 and I have to use my paper, my ink, and my electricity to print the d**n thing.

Either the email is legitimate and another sign of the "de-humanification" of the Institue, or someone has hacked a data base.

[end of rant]

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